Knox County Tennessee

Construction Permit

Unless specifically exempted or qualify for a Permit-by-Rule, any person in Knox County constructing an air contaminant source or modifying an existing air contaminant source is required to obtain a construction permit from the Knox County Department of Air Quality Management (Air Quality) prior to the start of construction or modification. An air contaminant source is “any and all sources of emission of air contaminants, whether privately or publicly owned or operated.” The following is a list of common air contaminant sources.

  • Process emission sources such as printing presses, asphalt plants, aggregate processing plants, concrete batch plants and coating processes (painting of automobiles, office equipment, wood furniture, etc.).
  • Fuel burning equipment such as boilers, emergency generators, gas or oil-fired heaters, and coal fired steam electric generating plants.
  • Incinerators for medical waste, municipal waste, etc.
  • Farming equipment, mobile sources and other exempted air contaminant sources are not required to obtain permits.

Knox County Air Quality Management Regulations (KCAQMR) Section 25.1 contains the general requirements for construction permits. Specific requirements that limit emissions from individual sources are located at various points in the KCAQMR. Anyone filling out a construction permit application should contact Air Quality for assistance in identifying all applicable KCAQM regulations. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding construction permits.

  • For the construction or modification of an air contaminant source, submit the application to Air Quality not less than ninety (90) days prior to the estimated starting date of construction. For some major sources that are identified in Knox County Air Quality Management Regulations Section 41.0 (Regulation for the Review of New Sources) or 45.0 (Prevention of Significant Deterioration), submit the application to Air Quality not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the estimated starting date of construction.
  • For a change in ownership, submit the application no later than 30 days after the ownership change.

For modifications to an issued construction permit (e.g., changing monitoring or recordkeeping requirements, correcting typographical errors, etc.), submit the application requesting the modification as soon as practicable. Except for correcting errors (i.e., clerical, typographical or calculation errors), the requested change cannot be made until Air Quality issues the modified construction permit.

For an air contaminant source that is Title V source, fill out Title V permit application forms APCV-INDEX, APCV-01, and APCV-02 along with the applicable emission source forms (APCV-03 through APCV-10 and APCV-33), control equipment forms (APCV-11 through APCV-18) and compliance demonstration forms (APCV-19 through APCV-32). In Knox County, a Title V source is any of the following:

  • facilities with the potential to emit 10 tons per year (tpy) or more of any hazardous air pollutant (HAP);
  • facilities with the potential to emit 25 tpy or more of any combination of HAPs;
  • facilities with the potential to emit 100 tpy or more of any regulated air pollutant;
  • facilities subject to acid rain requirements under Title IV of the Clean Air Act; or
  • facilities with lower tpy limits in non-attainment areas (currently Knox County has no non-attainment areas).

For all other air contaminant sources, fill out a non-Title V permit application form APC-1 along with the applicable air contaminant source forms (APC-2 through APC-27).

  • Click here for Non-Title V permit application forms

During the processing of the construction permit application, Air Quality may request additional permit application forms be filled out. Please call 865-215-5900 or email if you have any questions or need assistance.

Below are the fees required for processing a construction permit application and modifying an issued construction permit.

Construction permit fees

An initial filing fee of $150.00 per fuel burning equipment, incinerator, and process emission source being constructed must be included with the construction permit application. This filing fee is not refundable if a construction permit is denied or if the application is withdrawn, and it cannot be applied to any subsequent application or notice of intent.

The largest of the following fees will be billed to the applicant after review of the application, if applicable. The payment of fees billed by Air Quality are due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.

  • Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Review - $2,000
  • Title V Source or Major Modification Review requiring Modeling, except PSD - $1,500
  • Non-Title V Source or Minor Modification Review requiring Modeling - $400
  • New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Source Review - $400
  • National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutant (NESHAP) Source Review - $300

Modification of a construction permit fees

A permit modification fee of $150.00 must be included with a construction permit modification application. This filing fee is not refundable if a permit is denied or if the application is withdrawn, and it cannot be applied to any subsequent application. No fee is required for modifications of permits that correct clerical, typographical or calculation errors; or change the ownership of an air contaminant source.

The construction or modification of an air contaminant source can begin once the construction permit has been issued by Air Quality. Please call 865-215-5900 or email if you have any questions.

The air contaminant source must be constructed in accordance with the conditions of the construction permit, construction permit application and any other applicable requirements from Knox County Air Quality Management Regulations.

If the construction of an air contaminant source is not commenced within 18 months after the receipt of the construction permit or is discontinued for a period of 18 months or more, the construction permit will be invalidated unless a construction permit extension request is submitted to Air Quality which includes justification for the extension. If a construction permit extension request is received, Air Quality will review the request and determine whether to approve or deny the extension request.

Please call 865-215-5900 or email if you have any questions or need assistance.

Click here for the Knox County Department of Air Quality Management Regulations.

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