Knox County Tennessee

Electronic Commerce Card Program

Using the E-Card to make appropriate purchases will benefit the County, its vendors, cardholders, and County departments. The County will save time and money by consolidating paperwork; vendors will receive payment more quickly; and departments will obtain the goods and services they need without unnecessary processing delays.

Electronic Acquisition Commerce Cards

How they Work

Authorizations for Electronic Acquisition Cards transpire through an online electronic software system. The online electronic system is part of the Purchasing Card Services Contract. When a supplier requests a purchase authorization at the point-of-sale, the electronic software system validates the transaction against pre-set limits established by the program manager. The system approves or declines (instantaneously) all transactions based on the authorization criteria established. The program manager designee may adjust criteria periodically. Adjustments may include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Single purchase limit
  • Monthly spending limit
  • Merchant Category Code Access

The online electronic software system simplifies the procurement and disbursement processes. The Electronic commerce card also provides enhanced controls for all transactions made by departments under delegated authority by producing immediate decisions on specific authorization criteria.

Important Reminders

  • Payment of TN sales tax is prohibited
  • Keep the card in a secure location
  • Obtain and Keep receipts


Program Manager
400 Main St., Suite 630, City/County., Bldg.
865-215-4422 • 865-215-2352