Phone: 865-523-3338
Fax: 855-584-5853 4730 New Harvest Lane, Suite 200
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
E-mail: Cynthia.Foster@tn.nacdnet.net
The Knox County Soil Conservation District (SCD) formulates and directs a local natural resource conservation program for Knox County, Tennessee. There is an SCD office in each Tennessee county and nearly 3,000 Soil Conservation Districts nationwide. These districts make up the membership in the
National Association of Conservation Districts
. A five-member Board of Supervisors directs the Knox County SCD conservation program. The
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
provides technical assistance to the Knox County SCD. NRCS is a division of the
US Department of Agriculture
. NRCS also provides assistance in the form of staff and operational funding. These conservation partners share a single mission: To coordinate assistance from all available sources-public and private, local, state and federal-in an effort to develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns.
At the direction of the
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
and in cooperation with the
City of Knoxville
, the
Town of Farragut
, the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
and the
University of Tennessee
, the most current data for soils in Knox County and in surrounding counties is now available online at
. Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by NRCS and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information.
The Knox County SCD is actively involved in natural resource conservation education. Activities range from presenting programs to students in grades kindergarten through college, hosting tours and special events, presenting programs to garden and civic clubs, and setting up and maintaining displays at various local events.
Technical assistance and some financial assistance by means of cost sharing are made available to farmers and other landowners that install Best Management Practices (BMPs). The BMPs are site specific practices for reducing or preventing the amount of erosion and, in turn, water pollution. The funding for this cost-share program is provided through various grants from the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
For more information please visit our website: http://knoxcountyscd.com/