Knox County Tennessee

CHANT Coordinated Care Division

  • Patients with 3rd party payers (i.e.TennCare) can receive prescriptions for their method.
  • Consultations by phone only.
  • Please call 865-215-5190 or email

The CHANT ( Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee ) program provides free and voluntary care coordination services to TennCare eligible and TennCare  enrolled pregnant women and children and youth less than 21 years old, including those with special healthcare needs.  Through direct engagement with families, the CHANT program seeks to:

  • Improve access to care by arranging for or providing screening, assessment and navigation of preventive services. For children, that includes linking with a primary care doctor, regular checks beginning at birth and a schedule for staying up-to-date on immunizations. For prenatal/postnatal parents, the CHANT program seeks to schedule early and regular checkups during pregnancy. Parents will be linked with a doctor who delivers babies and understands women’s health topics including birth control, prevention of sexually transmitted illnesses, etc.  For both adults and children, the CHANT program will help evaluate and navigate health insurance options. 
  • Increase awareness of the importance of primary prevention including Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. This can include screenings of children which seek to measure attainment of developmental milestones. Early screenings and diagnoses can set the stage for a child to receive help early if he/she needs it. 
  • Screening for risk factors for disease or poor health and connecting to resources 
  • Coordinate services for children and youth with special needs

For more information about CHANT, please contact:

Phone: (865)215-5190

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

Need to report a public
health emergency?

Call 865-215-5093