Knox County Tennessee

Knox County is a Qualified Local Program

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Knox County has been approved by the State of Tennessee as a Qualifying Local Program (QLP). As of April 1, 2013, developers of any and all proposed construction activity located within the jurisdictional boundaries of Knox County will no longer submit to TDEC for coverage under the Tennessee Construction General Permit. All submittals will be processed through Knox County Stormwater Management and Notices of Coverage will be issued from Knox County Stormwater Management.  Please see our FORMS page for more information on how to submit your project.

Called the Tennessee Qualifying Local Program, the program’s main intent is to eliminate the duplicative efforts at the state and local level in the current stormwater permitting process. The program is designed to build efficiencies in how construction stormwater permits are issued and improve water quality.

Some of the most significant benefits of a QLP include:

  • A more streamlined and efficient process for managing construction stormwater by eliminating permit and review duplication at state and local levels; 
  • Eliminating additional effort for construction site operators/developers by providing only one set of requirements to follow;
  • A more effective construction stormwater program resulting in greater water quality protection;
  • Customers/Clients will receive faster consistent feedback and better communication with contractors;
  • Citizens will be able to receive quicker response working with only one agency;
  • Lower cost for permittees.  Contractors will no longer pay fees to the state; and
  • The QLP will be able to provide more local oversight and local responsibility.  This means less reliance on the state.